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Vide ton sac : Altin Gün

Musique Publié le 04/11/2019

"Voici quelques exemples de livres et de films qui nous inspirent. Ce qui nous est venu tout de suite à l'esprit, mais la liste continue encore ! " Une sélection à l'image du groupe turco-néerlandais Altin Gün : à cheval entre deux mondes, entre l'Est et l'Ouest, entre folk psyché d'Istanbul des 70s et pop-rock d'aujourd'hui, entre héritage et inventivité.


Nevbahar - Hıfzı Topuz

Book about the new founded turkish republic. Social history.​


Zaman Zaman - Fikret Kızılok 

Music with inspiring songs and production.



Spinal Tap - Rob Reiner

A movie we all enjoyed and familiar from touring in a band.



Rushmore - Wes Anderson

A near perfect movie with an immersive atmosphere.



Persona - Ingmar Bergman

A movie which illustrates how we reflect ourselves on eachother as people.



Plantasia - Mort Garson

An amazing album made for plants and people who love them.



Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

Magical book. Spaced out philosophical conversations.


Waking Life - Richard Linklater

Filmed and then animated movie about a boy who keeps waking up into a dream meeting strange people with interesting stories. Introduction to lucid dreaming.