Logo Stereolux
ven. 21 sept. 2018 17H00

Restitution et débat « Sonic Flâneurs: feeling the creative city »

An art project and a debate

Tarif sur place : Gratuit 0€
17h > 19h30
Organisateur : Stereolux

Restitution et débat « Sonic Flâneurs: feeling the creative city »

How does it feel walking down the streets of a creative city ? Does it sound, smell, look, taste different ?

Through the restitution of the « Sonic flâneurs » art project and a debate, this event is an invitation to discuss how we experience a creative city.

« Sonic flâneurs » is a project aimed at digitalising the embodied affective relationship to space in creative cities. It is led by the international students of the Master in Creative Economy of Audencia and Nantes-based artist Mickaël Lafontaine. The students involved will unveil the artworks produced during a one-week workshop, and share their views on how the sounds of a city such as Nantes can be representative of its creative spirit.

This restitution will be followed by a debate which will explore the outputs of this and similar projects, and will question the aesthetic experience provided by creative cities. Is it specific ? Can it be designed ? Panellists to include sound and space designers, artists, architects, activists and flâneurs !

Événement en anglais​

This event is brought to you by Stereolux (logo) and the Msc in Management and Entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy, Audencia Business School