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Vide ton sac : Plaid

Arts numériques Publié le 01/03/2018

Ed Handley et Andy Turner forment le mythique duo electronica Plaid (collaborateur, notamment, de Björk et fer de lance de l’incontournable label Warp). Ils composent ensemble depuis vingt-cinq ans, avec une approche ouverte et touche-à-tout de la composition. À l'occasion de leur venue à Electrons Libres le 30 mars prochain, ils partagent quelques-uns de leurs précieux secrets : logiciels qu'ils utilisent, sites web de référence, musiques qu'ils écoutent... N'en perdez pas une miette ! 



These are nicely programmed granular and FM synthesis plugins for a very good price.
Tangle still has a few bugs and hasn’t been updated for a while but is  still great.


Although these software instruments are trying to replicate real instruments their use of waveguides, as opposed to samples, is pretty innovative and enables an expressive, complex sound.


Being children of the 70’s we have a fascination with science fiction and CG. This blog has examples of imaginary interface design, some of it beautiful.

A design company experimenting with generative processes.



Some of this is funny.



A friend told us about Laura Cannell recently, a wonderful sound.

A good read about graphic scores if you are interested in the visualisation of music.

John Chowning discussing the discovery of FM synthesis.



We did the music for a friends piece about crypto currency.


Love the visuals that Raven does.